Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What happened? Life ate my morning before I could run and it's almost time to leave for work. I remember my Jillian DVD. I'm always reinvigorated on Wednesdays after watching the Biggest Loser on Tuesday night. While I would love to have Bob as my friend, I would definitely pick Jillian as my trainer. I've only gotten 12 days max into this routine before straying. It's a quick, but challenging 20 minutes. She even yells at you a little bit, just like on t.v. I'm going to work with wet hair again. Oh, well. It'll be worth it in 29 days when my abs look just like this.


  1. you go girl! You are always good about fitting in a workout. I admire it.
    Now get in gear and give me 20. Ha.


  2. Yes, Ann's right. You are the best at getting the work out done. I may have to borrow this dvd!


  3. i've been doing that too! or...."did" past tense. it's really good!! a friend recommended it to me, and i thought it was great. also - you can get it on youtube as well.


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