Meet Granddad and Granpoppy. Their youngest are married to each other. Smart, handy, generous, super capable and hard working, they are in the process of building a major carport for their kids.
This is what retirement looks like if you're Granddad and Granpoppy. These guys are never without a project.
These nail-guns-for-hire are a bargain. All they want is an occasional visit from the grandkids and a cold beer at the end of the day.
It's looking good guys. Like it'll stand forever.
Click the play arrow below and enjoy this sweet and fitting song that Sadie found.
Don't skip the song, ok?
Very sweet- and remember, Granddad did my kitchen renovation with a 99% blockage in the old arteries- what a tough guy!
I forgot about that. Dad has made all of our homes better!