This is intended as a rough guide to making this skirt. Please email me if you have questions about the instructions that I haven't made clear.
1. Take a piece of fabric of any length, the longer the fabric, the poufier the skirt. My fabric was 42" wide. I cut 2 pieces @ 20" x 42" because Sadie wanted a supremely poufy skirt.
2. Pin together and sew a single seam, 1/4" to 1/2".
3. My seam was about 1/2" so I could avoid the selvage.
4. Then sew the other open ends together. You will end up with a big circular piece.
5. Press your seams open.
6. Take some elastic and cut it to fit your natural waist plus a little extra to allow for seaming the elastic together. The thicker the elastic, the more shape your skirt will have.
7. Now, turn over the top edge of the skirt to create the waistband. Be sure to allow plenty of space for your elastic.
8. Hem this unfinished upper edge leaving a small opening for the elastic to slide through.
9. Attach a safety pin to the edge of the elastic and slide it into the open space and run it around the waistband of the skirt.
10. Sew the two ends of the elastic together and sew the opening in the waistband closed.
11. Next, pin the bottom edge to the length of your choice and hem.
12. Press the skirt.
13. Prepare for adoration.